About the Event
Kampus ČSOBVýmolova 353
Prague 5
TEDxPragueCountdown 2024: Future of Power will be the first event focused on sustainability. It will take place at Kampus ČSOB on June 8 from 12:00 am to 7:00 pm
TEDx Countdown is a grassroots initiative that supports locally-curated climate events. Host communitiy, TEDxPrague, has the opportunity to share Countdown content and showcase our own innovative climate solutions with the world through the TEDx stage.
Program and Speakers
Klára Bělíčková
Student and climate activist
Miroslav Bárta
Scientist, Egyptologist and Archaeologist
Zdeněk Štěpánek
Soňa Holúbková
Liberty Blake Simon
Model and activist
Patrik Meliš-Čuga
AI Consultant
Martina Jeličić
Stanislav Abrahám
Early Birds 1.190,- Kč (limited)
General admission 1.390,- Kč
Students 1.190,- Kč
The price of the all-day ticket includes plant-based refreshments, coffee and a tour of the timeless ČSOB building.
The conference program will be bilingual in Czech and English. Interpretation service will be available.
Production and organization
Vladimír Dolejš
Radoslav Pittner - programový kurátor, moderátor
Tereza Deáková - copywriting & social media
Martin Vasquez - moderátor, speaker coach
Program a koordinace
Mayka Dolejš
David Svoboda - speaker coach
Markéta Jedličková - speaker coach