26. July 2017

TEDxPragueED 2017

What next?

About the Event

The era of the fourth industrial revolution has just begun. Our children will live in a completely digitalized world. The human society and its organization is changing rapidly, and so is the job market. A large number of current professions will disappear. People will work in areas not even existing today. We’re at a crossroads.

What does all of this mean for our children? What will they need for life in the upcoming civilization? What should children’s upbringing and education look like in order to prepare them for what’s coming?

  • The future of our world will be created by our children.
  • The future of our children is being created by us today.
  • It’s about a time we think. What next?

The question of what education should look like will be discussed at the first TEDxPragueED by interesting speakers from the Czech Republic and abroad, who will provide the participants with various perspectives on education.


Divadlo ABC
Vodičkova 28
110 00, Praha 1


  • How to help changemakers get spread into the world? By the education of entire human

    Ondřej Liška


    We are heading the questions we – as pure individuals - can’t often answer. Climate change, social inequalities, jeopardized liberal democracy are just a few of them. Moreover, we live under pressure of ours or others‘ life expectations. Many people lose their inner peace and must fight for mental balance. That is a great challenge for our lives! To succeed in this fight we need to focus on the ability to cope not only with individual issues but mainly systematic changes. We need more people competent to do it. And education is essential. Education must be concentrated on the development of entire human and their ability to be successful, beneficial and happy. The key is to push them towards taking care of their own lives and taking responsibility for the others. Is it about time to make it a core idea of education? Who shall we join and cooperate with to enforce the change?

    Speaker profile

  • 21st century staff community – adaptive, committed and collaborative

    Kathy Minardi


    Imagine a school where the staff work hand-in-hand the way we want the children to work together!

    The energy, creativity and focus in our schools is on the children, as they represent the future world we hope they will lead and guide. What is usually left to happenstance are the norms for interpersonal interaction and innovative collaboration among the adult staff. In order to grow and develop, both children and adults require an emotionally healthy environment in which to work. It is hard to be your best with the children-or with anyone- when colleagues don’t have a vision for their unique opportunity for partnership with one another. The good news is that it can be changed without much resistence!

    Speaker profile

  • How and why shall we discover and develop kids‘ talent and passion

    Radka Dohnalová


    In the context of education it’s hard to anticipate the skills our kids might need in the future. That’s why it’s necessary to focus on those aspects of humankind that stay changeless for centuries. It is natural talent – the disposition we are born with, and our passions – what we enjoy the most. Not only child development but development of their parents is the key. It‘s crucial they acquire the ability to discover and develop actively the talent and passion of their children. How talent and passion can be found? What happens when parents are susceptible to kids and their talent? And how to manage that while being busy with the rush of everyday life?

    Speaker profile

  • Can we motivate children by mentoring to follow their dreams?

    Peter Gomolák


    Mentor creates chances for better life of their mentee. Their enthusiasm awakens in children the desire to develop themselves. But both mentor and mentee can benefit equally from their relationship. The relationship links them together, push them forward towards another development of both of them. Mentoring opens new horizons – it’s great to watch how capable they are when they get a chance. In fact they don’t need much – just our time, love and the opportunity to make their dreams come true. How to transform people’s mindset the way they can enrich the world around them? How to motivate children by mentoring to follow their dreams?

    Speaker profile

  • What school could be, should be, and almost never is

    Steve Hughes


    For decades, countries around the world have been testing the hypothesis that the only thing that matters in school is how well students perform on academic tests. The results of this vast social experiment are in, and they are not good: Focussing narrowly on test scores is a dumb idea that destroys’ creativity, well-being and initiative in children. Employers want to hire young people who can demonstrate creativity, initiative, and social skills. In fact, everyone wants young people to demonstrate these “nonacademic” outcomes. What are the alternatives? What can parents, teachers, and others who care about children do? What can we do now to prepare children for the uncertain, complex, and challenging future that they face?

    Speaker profile

  • How can we improve teacher education?

    Tomáš Čakloš


    Teachers are the key element of education. Do they get enough support in the Czech environment? Even though we decide about the quality of education mostly at Faculties of Education, proper public attention is still not paid to them. Which reality the future teachers have to face in terms of current educational system? Training and education of teachers have to deal with difficult challenges if it's supposed to prepare teachers and their students for real life in the 21st century. Where can we find inspiration and energy for innovation? And what can any of us do for change?

    Speaker profile

  • A change in society needs a revolution in education

  • Albin Sunmo and Rusa Patrick


    The world is a place of change, and humanity, along with civilization, is not an exception. Even though our way of life endlessly changes, our way of educating does not - at least not to the same extent. A modern classroom looks the same as it did 100 or 200 years ago. The literature may have been updated, but it is mostly used the same way. It is about time education, just like civilization, undergoes a revolution. As technology progresses and thus society adapts, education and the students along with it should do the same. Education and future generations must be able to adapt, not only to how society and the world looks, but to how society and the world WILL look.

    Albin Sunmo profile
    Rusa Patrick profile

  • How to educate the children meaningfully?

    Jana Nováčková


    Where is the future of education? How to contribute to the development of our children meaningfully? Confidence in the children`s natural abilities to develop according to their dispositions, environment rich in stimuli the children can choose from, friendly parents and other adults that are interested in the child, but don`t push them to meet their own expectations and rules of cohabitation created all together - such an education has a potential to become a benefit for the child and the society as well.

    Speaker profile



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Česká spořitelna

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O2 Czech Republic


International Montessori School of Prague

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Montessori Institute Prague
Magnas Media
Impact HUB
Silicon Hill

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