Eva Nečasová

Artist, AI for Kids


Eva Nečasová is a designer, artist and computer game developer who will take us into the AI field. Eva is the founder of AI for Kids, a non-profit initiative whose main goal is to create materials that make it easier for primary schools to introduce AI education into their curriculum, and is also behind the Hello Ruby methodologies for schools. Both of her works were first published in book form. In addition to education, she focuses on design under the brand designity.cz.

She believes that artificial intelligence offers great solutions, it just needs to be understood. She wants to educate children in it from primary school onwards. She believes that our job is to help children discover the world and teach them the necessary skills to be able to navigate well in the digital environment.

“I've been watching TED for years, it's my favorite format. I've also found a lot of inspiration at various TEDx. I'll never forget the video "How to use one paper towel" by Joe Smith.”

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